BC Shipments for Online Orders
To our valued customers:
Unfortunately, we have temporarily prevented all online sales to the province of British Columbia. Due to the immense ongoing flooding in the province, ground shipments for most couriers have halted. While we understand that flooding is only affecting certain parts of the province, we have been notified by our couriers that shipments to anywhere in the province of BC may be delayed or halted altogether.
We are actively working with our various shipping providers to resolve this issue. Ultimately, we do not have a timeline on when we will be able to resume shipping to BC.
We are investigating the possibility of air freight shipments into Vancouver, but given the situation, this option is in extremely high demand and comes at a high price. We will continually update our website as we know more and as more options become available.
For online orders destined to BC that have already been placed but not shipped, someone from our team will likely be in contact with you shortly.
For online orders destined to BC that have been shipped, we are actively working with our shipping providers to determine the status and timeline for your order. At this time we are not aware of UPS & Canada Post's policy or plan for rerouting ground shipments currently halted in the province of BC.
We understand that PPE and rapid tests are in high demand and all customers want their order as soon as possible. We are doing everything in our power to navigate the situation and will provide more updates as they become available.