PPE Face Shield Donation To Africa with Hope & Healing International
Executives from Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) inspecting the donated face shields.
This past fall, The Canadian Shield partnered with Hope and Healing International to help facilitate the donation of nearly 1 million face shields to Africa. After a long journey across the ocean, The Canadian Shield is pleased to share that the Canadian-made face shields have been distributed to those in need in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Hope and Healing is a local organization based out of Richmond Hill, Ontario, that works with children and families living with or affected by disabilities in the world’s poorest communities.
Throughout the past two years, since the inception of The Canadian Shield, our driving mission has always been to help people where it is needed most. Giving back to our community is an important part of that mission. With so many countries around the globe still dealing with the pandemic, we’re excited to partner with an organization that will put these face shields in the right hands. The face shields will be distributed via Hope and Healing’s partners in Sub-Saharan Africa, and will help protect medical workers and children in countries including Malawi, Eswatini and Zambia.
The massive global demand for PPE during the pandemic led to shortages even in well-off countries like Canada. The impact of these shortages is incredibly tragic across Africa and in other developing countries. These face shields will be used in medical settings where healthcare workers, already working in poor conditions, have seen a massive shortage of personal protective equipment. Organizations like Hope and Healing are making sure the world’s most vulnerable people are not left behind, and support from Canadian businesses can be critical to helping them save lives.
Over the past year and a half, The Canadian Shield has been fortunate to be able to make a number of face shield donations to organizations in need. The face shield donation to Hope and Healing represents our largest donation to date. These donations, along with our success over the past year and a half, have been a direct result of continued innovation, drive, and community support for Canadian companies like ours.
Strong alignment in core values and mission between Hope and Healing and The Canadian Shield made this partnership an obvious choice. Those values are what have driven us to innovate in the space, through endeavours like advanced automation and biodegradable materials. The chief value, empathy, is what inspires us to continue trying to contribute to our world, and to help out where needed. By partnering with organizations like Hope and Healing, we can continue to ensure our efforts make an impact where it is needed most.